A large scheme to redevelop Eastleigh Railway Depot into new warehouse space, an open storage area and a 3-storey office building.
SRE is assessing the scheme under BREEAM New Construction 2018, Industrial, Shell and Core. Our sustainability specialists are working with the design team to ensure an ‘Excellent’ rating will be achieved in order to demonstrate the sustainability of the development and to comply with Eastleigh Borough Council planning policy. To support this, SRE have undertaken a Sustainability & Energy Statement (including Passive Design Analysis and Low Zero Carbon Feasibility), Materials Lifecycle Analysis, Thermal Comfort Analysis and Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM).
An M&E Performance Specification has also been provided by SRE to further support the design & build process. SRE will continue to work on the scheme post construction ensuring all requirements for BREEAM New Construction 2018 are met.