The need for energy efficient buildings that operate in accordance with Net Zero goals is being driven by the climate crisis. Design teams must have access to methods and technologies that can accurately simulate in-use energy performance of buildings if we are to meet the sustainability targets set for the built environment by 2030.
Project teams are given clear guidance in accordance with TM54 Methodology on how to accurately assess operational energy use throughout all stages of construction for new and existing buildings. This accounts for building occupancy and operation depending on its intended use. Detailed modelling includes lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, lifts and escalators, small power loads, server rooms and other equipment.
SRE’s building physics specialists can assist M&E teams, architects and contractors to better estimate the operational energy performance of their projects by using TM54 Methodology which results in improved, energy efficient buildings. We apply Dynamic Energy Modelling and work with design teams early to add maximum value to your project.