
Tipner East, Portsmouth


PMC Construction

Main contractor:



HGP Architects Ltd

Tipner East, a new waterfront community of 850 high quality homes by VIVID in the city of Portsmouth.

SRE’s building physics specialists produced an Internal Daylighting Report to assess the predicted internal daylight levels in support of planning, ensuring that living spaces are habitable and have sufficient natural light. The scheme is aiming to be low carbon in line with the client’s strategic objectives and future Net Zero Carbon developments.

We proposed an Energy Strategy with passive and active design measures aimed at delivering lower energy and water use, reduced carbon emissions and lower operational costs. Our specialists advised the use of Lean passive and active design measures, as well as Green LZC technologies to ensure a site-wide 19% improvement over baseline CO2 emissions could be achieved.

To further accompany the planning application of Tipner East, Microclimate Analysis was completed to ascertain the impact of the proposed development on pedestrian comfort with respect to wind velocity. Given the site’s coastal location and the likelihood of strong winds potentially leading to unsafe conditions, SRE’s building physics specialists hosted workshops with the project teams of HGP & PMC to determine suitable mitigation measures. We then ensured these mitigation measures were incorporated into the site's landscaping strategy.

Our specialists provided Thermal Bridge Analysis to determine heat loss calculations through thermal bridge detailing. Overheating Analysis was also conducted to ensure that thermal conditions within the buildings and associated rooms met the standards set out in CIBSE TM59. SAP calculations were produced to ensure compliance with Building Regulations Part L1.

"We have worked with SRE on over 100 projects since 2009 and it has been an absolute pleasure. From design stage to post completion their proactive approach is always extremely helpful. Most recently they have worked with us on a large residential regeneration development in Portsmouth."

Stephen Cripps, Managing Director, PMC Construction

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