Garden Road consists of two five-storey blocks providing a total of 65 apartments, and an office block on a formerly derelict commercial site. The scheme was constructed using an Austrian prefabricated timber modular panel design, achieving excellent thermal performance and very low levels of air permeability. SRE supported the scheme through the planning process and provided Sustainability and Energy Statements along with an Energy Strategy, to address the London Borough of Richmond’s sustainability checklist requirements and 20% offset from on-site renewable technologies. SRE also undertook the environmental assessments and compliance with Building Regulations Part L during the construction phase, and provided advice on the innovative Genvex all-electric heating system and the inclusion of a large (100kWp) PV array. The scheme successfully delivered CSH Level 3 & 4 – exceeding the planning requirements, and resulted in a highly energy-efficient scheme for residents and tenants.
Garden Road, Richmond
Harepath LLP
Main contractor:
Exel Construction
Brookes Architects Ltd
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